Hari ini.

Hari ini sepertinya semua baik. Diawali dengan hal baik: makanan yang sehat, sinar matahari yang cukup, mantel yang cukup tebal, cemilan biskuit coklat masih tersedia di tas punggung. Semua terlihat normal kecuali tidur malam yang cuma dua jam karena mengerjakan take-home final.

Tapi begitu ke sekolah hal aneh mulai bermunculan.

Sepi, langit mendung, semua orang terlihat sibuk dan bitchy, shuttle yang datangnya sangat terlambat, angin dingin yang tiba tiba berhembus menyusup ke dalam mantel tanpa bisa dibendung. Dan puncaknya, harus menghadapi asisten dosen daripada si dosen sendiri untuk menyerahkan final, padahal ada hal yang harus dibicarakan.
Then my mood started to drop from there.

Masuk lab komputer buat mengerjakan tugas lain, bergabung dengan antrian yang tidak manusiawi,
dan pandangan menyelidik dari orang di komputer sebelah yang tampaknya belum pernah melihat hijabi.
Mulai mengetik, semua berjalan lancar sampai tiba tiba otak macet seperti ada simpul mati, mumet dan ruwet, ketika harus menginterpretasikan suatu puisi.
Ditambah orang sebelah yang mendengerkan diskman seperti orang tuli.

Kulihat orang disebelah kanan, asik mengedit poto pemandangan langit merah yang katanya diambil di Teheran. More blurry effect untuk foto lampu jalan, membuat sinar lampu jadi berpendar.
Indah that it takes my breath away.

Tugas belum selesai, akan pulang ke rumah setelah ini, entah kejutan apa lagi yang akan muncul tiba-tiba nanti di jalan, dirumah, saat tidur.

Susah sekali menerka hidup, lebih gampang menerka apa yang ada di otak mama waktu melihat pandangan matanya ketika dia menganalisa aa’ dulu.

Oleh-oleh galore

My aunt is home!!!!!!!! *jumping around, screaming in rejoice, running, hugging the fridge* I am so happy….she is here right now, no more lonely days and nights. The apartment will always fill up with her laughers, jokes, stories…

And take look at things she brought from Indonesia: chips, crackers, coffe, TEA!, kering tempe, kering kentang, lapis legit, lapis prune, sambel cap jempol, the list goes on and on….

While my cousin got kastengel, kacang goreng, nastar from her mom as oleh-oleh, I got many kinds of medicines! for headache, stomachache, stomach cramp, medicated skin powder, acne medication (MY GOD MOM!) And vitamines to increase blood level, vitamine C. Gee……..what am I? a hypocondriac?

And also my lovely girls sent me books! many kinds of Indonesian novels I would more that love to read for my upcoming winter break. *Love you girls*. Got something sweet from aa’ . *grin*
And finally the surprise from them was AADC VCD *jumping around*. Please mind me, I have not watched it yet and watching it made me miss my old high school days.
TTFN..paper is waiting *I am coming paper*

My Medusa’s head

I had this creative project for one of my classes. It is ungraded but it’s required because the teacher does not want to burden people with the pain of trying be a creative about mythology because trying to be creative for an uncreative and un-crafty student like me is a nightmare! I had all these ideas of silk painting, batik painting ( I even really considered of ordering all the equipments online), jellybeans montage (yes, jellybean), paper marche, wooden tray painting etc…

But life as a graduate student *alasan aja* always makes me in a rush and wish to have more than 24 hours a day. So I decided to make stained-glass-Tiffani style-look-alike art. Other than that I always have this dream to have stained glass windows but it stays as my dream up to now as it cost a fortune to have one.
I bought the paint at Barnes and Noble and studiously painted this colorful Medusa’s head over a round wooden gold colored plate I found at Ross for two bucks. I believe I put all my efforts to this project as you know, I am not that artsy even though my dad sketches and my brother draws and writes comics.
I had no self-esteem at all about my creative project so I sneaked quietly into the classroom sat down and looked around people’s project.

Oh well….it wasn’t that bad at all. As I presented my plate of Medusa’s head, my instructor said “Oh wow. It is so great rina, pass it around please!” *beam*

I am one happy person now, and I can sleep well throughout the night.
Bye now 🙂
Update: I added the picture of my Medusa’s head. :D. Does she look scary enough? She is not supposed to be pretty, because she has serpents in her head and she turns people into rocks if they see her face. Anybody finds her interesting? I do actually.

as angels get tired of wearing wings

they are not so white and feathery anymore

so they took them off..

some grateful humans take the wings

and wear them in their heart

so they can fly meet others.

others human just like you

how grateful i am that i found my wings

to meet you

Hear me babbling

What is with everybody around me? Well….just hear the voice from an envious person here. It seems that one by one of my friends or people near me are planning engagements and marriage proposals, planning to get married, getting married, having kids, buying house, leasing car. Is not that I am not talking about all of those.
I do.
A lot I tell you because having a family of my own is one of my dreams.
But there are parts of me that still could not believe how fast life has passed and suddenly without realizing it it, I am standing in a position where CERTAIN steps need to be taken as entrance marks into the MATURE world. All the steps: first go to school, the university, then work place and marriage, then children. So much pressure from people around nagging, bugging and irritating if we fail or are late to complete one step. “kapan sekolah selesai?” and then “bile nak berkahwin ni?” after that “udah punya anak berapa?” then “when the second boy will arrive?” So people will haunt you in all your life with all those demanding questions.
Wonder if they still ask me questions if I am all wrinkly and saggy.

Now back to me. Seeing all my friends’ wedding pictures that they kindly sent to me *thanks muah* this morning, is like an alert call to me. “watch out young lady, your age is crawling to its peak, better think how to drag him to take a vow of marriage solemnization before you are too old to have twins”. Naaa, I am joking. I really am.
I am just feeling to ponder why we have to follow the steps of life I said before? Are we uncomplete people if we are unable to meet one of them?
Can’t we stay a child forever? Life without responsibilities and works but candies and mini-bikes? I guess not.

Oh how I wish I can complete the next step soon, very soon, so no more doubt and pry looks from people around me. So there mister, what do you think?

As I open myself, flipping through pages of my soul

Can you see contradictory reside there?

I am an empty space of life and breath

take me

so no more prestigious misery here

after that

I will spend my life filling my soul

with your sweet smiles, words, touches

how can I bear more time?