Hello all………
I just added commenting system into my dearly weblog so you can give me your comments about my postings.

I was so surprise and felt a bit weird when I saw so many policemen around the campus today. *remind me of my own country* When I meant by many, it actually meant MANY…jan said it might something to do with the rumors of students might block the H st around the campus as one protest to the war. In the class latter, two students came and announced that there was a peacefull sit in in the adm building to ask the president of the campus to give resolution about the war in Iraq..so if anybody wanted to join them the peacefull sit in would be in the adm building until 10 pm today. the instructor said she wouldnot mind if anybody wanted to join the protest and the class was going numb for awhile (my class mostly consists of very growns up who pursue their master degree after working for years) then one man broke the ice by saying : umm I am actually lost in sentence no 7…..
then the class back to normal…..

I ran into Zaenab with her warm smile today in library and asked about sisters’ qiyamu lail last friday in her place. ” it was just great” she said, “keep in touch Rina…” She is a girl who mistakenly thought by my cousin as an indonesian because she looks so asian, it turns out that she is a vietnamese…


The lastest news….aa’ just lost his cellphone..again..
He said he might have left it in the taxi. This is the second time he lost his cellphone. First time when he was in Salman masjid, and now he left it in the taxi. I think you need to have a phone chain a’! so you can hang it in your neck
.. tsk tsk.. careless…..


I have this weird habbit. Everytime I wake up from a nap or a sleep I would automatically walk to the kitchen and drink anything I would find in the kitchen counter or dinning table. I’ ve been doing this.. I don’t know, maybe.. forever? My aunt never finishes her coffe every morning and she makes such a perfect coffe. (she tried to tell me how to concoct a perfect ingredients but.. I think I never get it., up to now). So I am the one who sip her last coffe after she goes to work (exceptional occurs when she has cough or cold). My other aunt who lived with us has also the skill of making the best tasted coffe ( I think it runs in the family,except for me). While my first aunt would be okey if I drink her coffe, my second aunt would little bit get cranky if she found her coffe dissapeared. One beautiful morning, I woke up late and there was nobody in the appartment. As I walked into the kitchen I saw a china mug half-filled with this brown-looked liquid. My mind automatically thought that it was cold cappucino which had no bubbles anymore, I reached the mug and took it into my mouth and eeeekkkkkkkk!!!!!! it was my second aunt’s chinese herb medicine……I spitted it and spitted and spitted into the sink and gargled until I heard my second aunt came with her evil laugh (bwhuahahah bwuhahahaha…) said : neng..I don’t drink coffe that much anymore…! and you just had my rheumatism herbal drink *bhuahahahha*… and I stood there with my yucky bitter tongue and the taste lasted for the last of the day…

And did I stop this habbit? umm no..now I mostly drink my cousin’s coffe.

Moral of the story: please check the drink thoroughly before you sip it!

Salma was here! This adorable cute little girl came with her parents

Salma was here! This adorable cute little girl came with her parents to have lunch and watch J.lo dvd with us .. (hahaha, like she knows who is J. Lo). Salma is an Indonesian girl who born in USA, I forget what the term for this, umm ABA? ABC? or ABI? american born indonesia?…Salma is a shy girl who needs time to adapt with her surrounding before she can mingle with us. After a while, she started smiling when I say hi..then waved back when I waved to her behind the kitchen counter and started small conversations with us. She ate fried rice with chicken wings and crackers, combined with candies..(euww hun.. was that yummy?)
One cute thing about her. she would say ‘itchy’ when it refers to her sore throat, but she would say ‘gatel’ , which also means itchy, when she feels itchy in her back or other parts of her body.
Children are completely adorable….

Wanna see Salma?


Salma was here! This adorable cute little girl came with her parents to have lunch and watch J.lo dvd with us .. (hahaha, like she knows who is J. Lo). Salma is an Indonesian girl who born in USA, I forget what the term for this, umm ABA? ABC? or ABI? american born indonesia?…Salma is a shy girl who needs time to adapt with her surrounding before she can mingle with us. After a while, she started smiling when I say hi..then waved back when I waved to her behind the kitchen counter and started small conversations with us. She ate fried rice with chicken wings and crackers, combined with candies..(euww hun.. was that yummy?)
One cute thing about her. she would say ‘itchy’ when it refers to her sore throat, but she would say ‘gatel’ , which also means itchy, when she feels itchy in her back or other parts of her body.
Children are completely adorable….

Wanna see Salma?


I’ve just got this in my mailbox. It was sent by one of my sisters in Islam.

Bi haqqi Muhammad wa aalihi,

Allahummahrusna bi’anikallatiy laa tanam, waknufna biruknikalladziy laa yuraam warhamna biqudratika ‘alaina wa laa tuhlikna wa anta rajaa-una

Ya Allah, jagalah kami dengan mata-Mu yang tidak pernah tidur, lindungi kami dengan bentengmu yang tidak akan hancur, kasih sayangilah kami dengan kekuasaan-Mu atas kami dan jangan hancurkan harapan kami padahal hanya Engkaulah harapan kami.

Jadikan kami pasukan-pasukan-Mu, karena hanya pasukan-Mu yang memperoleh kemenangan, jadikan kami pembela-pembela-Mu, karena hanya pembela-Mu yang tidak akan terkalahkan, jadikan kami kekasih-kekasih-Mu, karena hanya kekasih-Mu yang tidak pernah ditimpa kemalangan dan diliputi ketakutan.

Jagalah dunia tempat kami beramal, baikkan akhirat tempat kami kembali kepada-Mu, bukan kepada yang lain. Ya arhamar raahimiin.


I wanna write in my language. pardon me..
Ya abisnya capek dari semalem olah otak jotted down ideas untuk esl student’s peer response paper for eng 700, which will due in the next two weeks. I think I still need to go to campus and sink in those microfiche piles try to find some articles from TESL Canada journals about some researches on esl writing clasess. I guess I am tired to talk, write and even think in this language * lhaa ini ..*
Capek dengerin CNN blasting news tentang Bush yg gak detered sedikitpun sama objections which are marches, vigils, di sekitar dia tentang perang.. lha aneh ni orang negara negara siapa kok ngusir ngusir seenaknya dewe..*whipping mode*
Capek dengerin my other tante complains over and over again tentang udara dan suhu yang memang berubah terus *amerika emang gini kok yo, bener emang udaranya begini. *ini siapa yg tinggal lamaan di amerika sih*
Heran kok males banget mau duduk manis selepas solat, baca dan ngaji Quran. Kayaknya tuh Iman lagi turun …*sobs*
Jadinya yah liburan ini pasti menambah pengeluaran karena nelpon ke Jkt, Bnk, dan Bdg mulu, *yes a’ no wonder nelpon mulu ya? wong libur, mind you!*
Mau hunting foto matahari timbul tengelam gitu, mana di BART sekarang banyak polisi dengan anjing anjingnya yg segede srigala *hiiyy serem*, mana semua sekarang alert mode dimana mana, lha kan kalau mau dapet objek bagus mesti ke downtown, ke downtown mesti naik BART, naik BART lewat underwater nyebrang bay jadi ngelewatin daerah full alert gitu. naik bis ternyata mahalan ongkosnya. Ke Berkeley maybe? naik Transbay no 51 biar dapat pemandangan banyak trus ke Telegraph Ave liat orang aneh aneh? atau motoin hippies di park deket esl building yang lagi meditasi disela sela kepulan asap sandalwood dupa? *umm good idea*
eh ngomong ngomong, ini terjadi lagi. sering banget..duh serem..
ok back to Nina now..